Sponsor a Student

Sponsorships are immensely helpful in my goals to help educate students in Aging, Death, and Grief topics.

You, as an individual or as a business/collective/organization, can sponsor (1) or more students for the following:

Community Classes: 3-5 hour intensives on a variety of topics in Aging, Palliative Care, Death, and Grief. You can choose which class you would like to sponsor if you so choose.

Foundational Studies: Foundational Black Deathkeeper Studies and Foundational American Deathkeeper Studies are both 55-hour offerings that can be taken on their own or taken as a mandatory requirement for those students interested in becoming a professional Deathkeeper

Intensives: I also teach 2-day intensives, inclusive of Virtual End-of-Life Planning, Virtual Black Ancestral Death Planning, and Virtual Black Ancestral Studies

Professional Training: I also currently host two trainings for becoming a Deathkeeper; the Guided Spiral Deathkeeper (African-American Death Culture focus) and Guided Cycles Deathkeeper (multiple viewpoints in American Death Cultural focus) as well as two trainings for Abortion Guides, the Guided Spiral Abortion Guide (Black Abortion work focus) and Guided Cycles Abortion Guide (focus on reproductive rights in the United States)

Any contributions are tremendously appreciated. Thank you.