Community Donations

On this page, I include any donation requests or needs that I have obtained from my local community.

Community Requests

  • Stuffed Animals for Child Cancer Patient

    I have an acquaintance with a preteen child that is about to start her second round of chemo after being in remission last year and now navigating an aggressive return. The ask is for stuffed animals since they are her primary comfort items during this time. Below is a public wishlist of stuffed animals from which you can purchase. Alternatively, if you prefer to purchase from a local shop or send homemade stuffed animals, then please email me below.

  • Additional Funds for Cancer Treatment Needed

    I have another acquaintance whose longtime husband has been diagnosed with cancer. Because of the diagnosis, he is not able to return to work, and is currently awaiting short-term disability as he awaits the initiation of chemo treatments. In addition, the acquaintance is still in postpartum with a newborn while also navigating a sudden death of a close family friend, and they could really utilize some additional assistance.

    Please donate what you can below.

  • Purchases and Donations

    From now until the end of June 2024, 10% of any class, intensive, or training you purchase over $150 will go toward funds for chemotherapy for these families. All you have to do is purchase a class, and a tenth of your payment will automatically go toward fighting cancer.

Get in touch.

Are you desiring another way to send donations or requested animals to the families in need? Please email me before with your alternative method of assistance. Thank you immensely for any help you may provide.